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Performance Improvement Plan Guide

One way that management , and specifically HR managers can assist employees achieve better results is by implementing an improvement plan for performance. We look at the specifics of this concept and how to prepare one.

An employee improvement plan is a written document that describes the current performance issues and clearly describing what an individual can take to address them, as well as the amount of time it is to be completed and the consequences in the event that the goals aren’t achieved.

The employee performance improvement plan can be given to rectify the various weaknesses in performance at work, ranging starting with poor customer service, to low productivity to poor behavior at the workplace.

However, the consequences of the plan, which can be dismissal, implies that employees are more likely to be presented with the performance improvement plans with a sense of fear. Therefore, managers should introduce them with care and so to make employees view them as an improvement tool that they could be.

How do you introduce an improvement program for performance

First, determine whether a plan for improvement in performance is really needed. Determine the areas you’d prefer to see the employee perform better and outline the areas. Discuss the issue with the HR manager and invite them to join you during the meeting with the employee. You should only discuss the PIP when you’re sure you’ve got all the necessary information.

Invite the employee to an appointment is next. Although some individuals prefer to email the employee however, it’s an ideal idea to conduct an in-person meeting to inform your employee that you’re going to begin the process and following this with a formal email.

This will make sure that your employee doesn’t be frightened, and ensure that you’re mindful of how they could feel. If it’s possible to do so, the meeting could be conducted in a neutral space in which your employee feels more at ease.

Discuss the issues in a two-way manner. As a leader you are aware of areas that you’d like to see improvement in , but be aware that it’s still an open discussion. Employees may bring up obstacles to their performance that require a more thorough discussion. There is a opportunity to discuss issues that are beyond the company’s control, and those that can be altered.

Additionally, since the plan for improvement in performance will provide actions to take to get better results employees’ input is crucial. It is not a good idea to create a situation where they will be unsuccessful by insisting on goals that aren’t achievable. Be sure that employees are aware of the steps they must take. Both parties must agree on the specifics of the plan for performance improvement.

Set dates for check-ins. Based on the duration of the plan to improve performance 30-60 or 90 day, check-ins could be scheduled weekly, monthly or bi-weekly. The frequency must be determined by the manager and employee.

The checks-ins can enable the employee to get an insight into their performance, correct the course should they need to, and receive some support throughout the process. It also helps managers monitor their employee’s performance.

Note everything discussed and then share the record to the person who is in charge. If executed properly with attainable goals and clear guidelines to follow, improvements can yield numerous benefits.

The benefits of plans for improving performance

They can save money.

The cost of keeping employees is lower than hiring an entirely new one. When you have a plan for improvement that is successful organizations can avoid the requirement to promote or interview employees, and instead train and then induct new employees.

It’s not just a cost in terms of money however, it also causes an expense in time since resources must be diverted from work operations to execute all hiring processes.

They can be very motivators.

While it can be a little scary to discover that you require an improvement program for your performance but it is also an excellent motivational tool. It lets workers know their managers really care about their performance and would like to see them succeed If they didn’t then they’d probably eliminate them, and not invest in them this way. Employees are more productive when they feel appreciated.

The company could also see increased productivity as employees are more productive when they are aware of what they need to do. The goal-oriented nature of plans for improving performance and specific steps to meet these goals will take care of the issue.

Get people ready for promotions

What can you do to prepare someone to take on a new job? Set them a series of tasks to complete and then guide them. Plans for improvement in performance will outline the tasks they’ll have to complete and the manner in which they will be required to complete these tasks.

When the outcomes are favorable it could be the seal of approval to gain the promotion. If not the results will at a minimum show areas they have to improve on to get where they’d like to go.

They could also prepare employees for a move to another department. A performance improvement plan could be the ideal option for an employee who might be more suited to a different department. They can test whether they are able to complete the new job and how they do it.

It allows management to test the waters before approving the job change. This is a good method to avoid any disappointment later on. It also helps to the employee understand whether they really want to take the job.

They are a highly effective method to change behavior

In contrast to reviews, performance improvement plans can have consequences. Failure to meet the objectives could lead to losing time, being an ejection and, in the extreme scenario, losing their job. Therefore, employees will be motivated to improve their performance.

Furthermore, when using the performance improvement plan the employee is likely to have been engaged in finding a solution to their specific issue It is important to remember that it’s an exchange of ideas. They’ll be more enticed to follow the steps they participated in formulating.

In summation

Do you think that an employee could be benefited from a performance improvement program? Begin by taking the anxiety out of the procedure.

Make sure the employee is aware of the information and solicit their feedback. While doing this give guidance and help. This way you can increase the likelihood of the employee reaching and possibly over the targets set.