Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. People with SPD may be oversensitive to sensory input (hyperresponsive) or underreactive to sensory input (hyporesponsive). This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as becoming easily overwhelmed in noisy or busy environments, avoiding certain textures or sensations, or seeking out certain types of sensory input to regulate themselves.
One tool that has been found to be effective in helping people with sensory needs is a balancing cushion. These cushions, also known as stability discs or wobble cushions, are inflatable disks filled with air that can be placed on a chair or the floor to provide a dynamic surface for sitting or standing. The unstable surface of the balancing cushion requires the user to engage their core muscles to maintain balance, providing sensory input that can help calm and focus the nervous system.
There are a variety of ways in which a balancing cushion can benefit individuals with sensory needs:
- Improving focus and attention: People with sensory processing disorder often struggle with maintaining attention and focus, especially in busy or overstimulating environments. By providing a dynamic surface for sitting or standing, a balancing cushion can help engage the vestibular system and increase proprioceptive input, which can help improve focus and attention.
- Calming and regulating the nervous system: The sensory input provided by a balancing cushion can help regulate the nervous system, reducing feelings of anxiety or stress. The gentle rocking or swaying motion of the cushion can have a calming effect on the body, helping individuals with sensory needs feel more grounded and centered.
- Developing core strength and stability: Using a balancing cushion requires the individual to engage their core muscles to maintain balance. This can help improve core strength and stability over time, which can have a positive impact on overall posture and balance.
- Encouraging movement and proprioceptive input: Many individuals with sensory needs seek out certain types of sensory input, such as deep pressure or movement. A balancing cushion provides a way to incorporate movement and proprioceptive input into everyday activities, helping individuals regulate their sensory system and stay focused and alert.
- Improving posture and body awareness: Sitting for long periods of time can be challenging for individuals with sensory needs, as they may struggle with maintaining a stable and comfortable position. Using a balancing cushion can help promote better posture and body awareness by encouraging the individual to sit or stand in a more upright and balanced position.
- Supporting sensory integration therapy: Sensory integration therapy is a type of treatment that aims to help individuals with sensory processing disorder improve their ability to process and respond to sensory information. Balancing cushions can be a valuable tool in sensory integration therapy, providing a way to incorporate sensory input into everyday activities and help individuals practice skills such as balance, coordination, and body awareness.
- Enhancing proprioceptive feedback: Proprioception is the sense that allows us to know where our body is in space and how it is moving. Individuals with sensory processing disorder may have difficulty processing proprioceptive input, leading to challenges with coordination and body awareness. By providing a dynamic surface for sitting or standing, a balancing cushion can help enhance proprioceptive feedback and improve the individual’s ability to move and navigate their environment.
Overall, balancing cushions can be a valuable tool for individuals with sensory needs, providing a way to incorporate movement, proprioceptive input, and sensory regulation into everyday activities. Whether used at home, school, or in therapy settings, a balancing cushion can help individuals with sensory processing disorder improve focus and attention, regulate their nervous system, develop core strength and stability, and enhance overall body awareness and posture. By incorporating a balancing cushion into their daily routine, individuals with sensory needs can experience the benefits of sensory input and improve their ability to navigate and engage with the world around them.